The City of Orem has a team of proven budget and accounting professionals who directly oversee the management of city funds. 

City Budget Documents

Annual Financial Reports

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)

The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report is a set of financial statements comprising the financial report of the city that complies with the accounting requirements promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.

Single Audit/State Legal Compliance Report

The City of Orem is routinely audited by an independent professional accounting firm to ensure that the city is in compliance with all government auditing standards.

Impact Fees Report

An impact fee is imposed by the city on a new or proposed development project to pay for all or a portion of the costs of providing public services to the new development.

City Sales Tax Rate Breakdown

Total Sales Tax = 7.45%

State of Utah (4.85%)

+ City of Orem (1.00%)

+ Orem CARE Tax (0.10%)

+ Utah County (0.25%)

+ Utah County Airport, Highway, & Public Transit (0.25%)

+ Utah County Public Transit Tax (0.20%)

+ Mass Transit (0.25%)

+ Mass Transit Fixed Guideway (0.30%)

+ Transportation Infrastructure (.25%)


Unprepared Food Sales Tax = 3.00%

State of Utah (1.75%)

+ City of Orem (1.00%)

+ Utah County (0.25%)

Restaurant Sales Tax – 8.45%

Sales Tax (7.45%)

+ Prepared Food Tax (1.00%)