Where I Live Map
This map helps citizens learn more about the neighborhoods in which they live. After zooming in to an area, visitors can use the Location Information tool and click on a parcel. A PDF report will open containing information about that parcel’s neighborhood, such as zone, land use, school boundaries, crime statistics, and links to contact information for all the elected officials from Mayor to President of the United States.
Tree Map
Explore the wide array of trees maintained by Orem City’s Forester. Use the “Zoom In” tool to hone in on an area, such as a park, near your home, or place of work. Expand the pop-up bar to see information about the tree, such as species, trunk diameter, and estimated value.
Development Services Map
Zoom to an area, then use the Area Project Query tool to find the names of projects going on (or completed) in that location. This map also highlights project areas in the on-line Development Tracking System. Projects can be found by name, type, or meeting date. Project pages contain links that bring you back to the Map and highlight the area in question.
Neighborhood Map
Orem has some of the best neighborhoods in America. Check out how the city is divided into neighborhoods and see which one you’re living in.
Ditch Map
You may not realize it but there are quite a few active ditches in Orem. This map shows all the ditches in Orem and how to contact the Ditch Master.
Cemetery Map
Search for the grave locations of loved ones and check on the ownership status of cemetery plots.