Contact Information

  • Rick Sabey, Division Manager (801-229-7545)
  • Andy Peterson, Field Supervisor (801-229-7109)
  • Ryan Casper, Coordinator, Construction SWPPP (801-229-7573)
  • Chelsea Lindsey, Coordinator, Long-Term Storm Water (801-229-7574)
  • Steve Johnson, Senior GIS Analyst (801-229-7556)

Office Hours & Location

Office: 1450 W 550 N Orem, UT 84057
Monday – Friday 7:00AM – 4:30PM
     24 Hour Storm Water Hotline:
     Emergency After Hours Dispatch:

The Storm Water Utility is a Maintenance Division of Public Works. We operate and maintain the City’s storm drains year-round to minimize flooding and water pollution within the City of Orem.

The City of Orem storm drainage system is a separate storm water collection and conveyance system. It is not connected in any manner to the wastewater collection system. Storm water is not filtered or cleaned before it is released to Utah Lake, the Provo River, or to groundwater, so it can carry pollutants if it is not kept clean. 

It is a Federal and State offense to put anything other than storm water runoff into a storm drain. If you see any illegal dumping, or if you have a question, please call our 24- Hour Storm Water Hotline @ 801-229-7577