So you received a citation . . . let’s help you figure out your next step!
Click on the box below that best describes your situation.
Moving Violation - No Court Date Given
I was given a citation that contains a moving violation - speeding, stop sign, red light, improper turns, school zone, careless driving, handheld device, failure to secure load, etc.
Moving violations that do not require a mandatory appearance can be resolved in 1 of 4 ways. Click below to learn more about these options.
Non-Mandatory Citation Options
Registration Violation
I was given a citation for a registration violation
Depending on how long your registration has been expired will determine how much of a credit can be given. Click below to learn more.
Registration Violation Information
Insurance Violation
I was given a citation for an insurance violation
How you resolve your citation depends upon when your insurance coverage began. Click link below to learn more.
Insurance Violation Information
Citation has a Court Date
The citation I was given has a court date listed on it
Your first hearing will be held through Webex video conferencing. Prior to your first appearance you need to watch a rights video and fill out a rights form. Click link below to go to the court video hearing page to complete these steps and for more detailed information.
Fix-It Violation
I was given a citation that involves a vehicle equipment safety violation and it indicates I can "fix-it" to resolve it - examples: lights not working properly on a vehicle, mud flap violation, window tint violation, etc.
A fix-it is an option to resolve a safety violation. It means you can fix the safety violation, provide proof and then your charge may qualify for dismissal. Click below for more information on the steps to resolve a fix-it violation.
Fix-it Information
Seat Belt Violation
I was given a citation for a seat belt violation
Options to resolve your seat belt violation, depends upon how many seat belt violations you have had. Click below for options and more information on how to resolve your seat belt violation.
Seat Belt Violation Information
Parking Ticket
A parking ticket was left on my vehicle and I want to resolve it
Parking citations left on your vehicle are handled by the City of Orem Police Department. Click below for options to resolve your parking citation.
Parking Citation Information
Administrative Citation
I was given an administrative citation for a zoning type violation
Administrative citations are handled by the City of Orem through a civil process. They are not handled at the Orem Justice Court. Click below to learn more about the Administrative Enforcement Program and for options to resolve your citation.
Administrative Enforcement Program Information
My situation isn't described in any of the above boxes
Please contact the court at 801-724-3900 or through email at so we can help you. You can also click below to go to the court's main website that has helpful information that may also answer your question.
Court Website
What does it mean on my citation when it says . . . “must appear in not less then (5) five nor more than (14) fourteen days after issuance of this citation”?
This is a legal way to say contact the court between day 5 and day 14 of getting the citation. We ask you to wait 5 days so the court can get the citation information from the law enforcement agency that issued the citation.