2023 Missing Sidewalk Project
RECEIPT OF BIDS: Separate sealed BIDS or Electronic Submittal using Bidnet Direct for the construction of the 2023 Missing Sidewalk Project will be received by Sam Kelly, City Engineer at the City of Orem, Engineering Division, 56 North State, Orem, UT 84057, or electronically on Bidnet Direct until September 7th, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. The preferred method for submitting a bid is by using Bidnet Direct at bidnetdirect.com (Select the search bar > > enter “City of Orem” > Enter). BIDDING QUESTIONS – Use Bidnet Direct to submit questions and download documents relating to bid items, specifications, and other technical questions. The project engineer is Mauro Choquevillca, 801-724-3525. A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on August 29th, 2023 at 2:00 pm. at the City Center, 56 North State Street, Orem, UT 84057 in the Development Services Conference Room. OBTAINING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be obtained August 17th, 2023 on Bidnet Direct or at the City of Orem, Engineering Division, Development Services Offices, 56 North State Street, Orem, UT 84057. There is no fee from the City to obtain the documents on Bidnet Direct. There will be a $20.00 non-refundable fee for a copy of the plans and specification. (An additional $5.00 service charge will be assessed if the plans and specifications are to be mailed). DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The WORK on 400 West includes the removal & disposal of existing irrigation pipe and ditch, 5 large trees, & existing concrete and asphalt. The WORK includes the construction of 670 linear feet of 15” RCP irrigation line, 3 irrigation boxes, 2 sumps, and 2 pre-treatments, The project also includes the construction of 516 linear feet of monolithic curb & gutter, and sidewalk, 11,300 square feet of asphalt and other hardscape improvements. The WORK on 600 North includes the removal and disposal of existing irrigation pipe and ditch, asphalt, tree, and clearing and grubbing within the project limits. The WORK includes the installation of new 15” irrigation pipe, 207 linear feet of monolithic curb, gutter & sidewalk, 3050 square feet of asphalt and other hardscape improvements. The engineer’s estimate for the work is $650,000 to $700,000. SITE OF WORK: The site of the WORK is located at 400 W. (from 1637 N. to 1733 N.). and at 600 N. (from 750 East to 800 East).