Mero's Agenda

Mero the Mammoth (Orem’s first resident) has taken a closer look at the City Council meeting agenda and has offered to fill you in on what’s happening.

The official published agendas can be found here:

City Council meetings are held at the address listed on the agenda and are broadcast on YouTube at

September 27, 2022


  • Tour – Wastewater Treatment Plant
    • An onsite tour of Orem’s wastewater treatment plant at 1797 West 1000 South. Following the tour, the meeting will reconvene in the City Center Council Conference Room. 
  • Update – Hillcrest Park
    • An update on the construction of a new park and playground at the location of the former Hillcrest Elementary School.
  • Discussion – Boards and Commissions
    • The Utah State Legislature recently added new requirements for cities to include their moderate income housing plans as well as implementation elements as part of their General Plan. Development Services will ask for direction from the Council on which implementation strategies to incorporate.


Scheduled Items

  • Appointment to the Planning Commission
    • Haysam Saker, reappointment
  • Appointment to the Summerfest Committee
    • Shelley Seastrand, reappointment
  • Public Hearing/Ordinance – Amending Section 14-1-4 Sign Zones and the Sign Zone map of the Orem City Code extending Sign Zone E to include a portion of the CenterPoint Church property located at 1550 S Sandhill Road
    • CenterPoint Church would like to install a double-sided, pole-mounted digital sign on their property to replace the historic use of hanging 10′ x 10′ banners on the building to advertise for events. The pole sign would be installed near the southwest corner of the building, oriented toward the freeway. This location does not currently have a sign zone, so it is considered to be in Sign Zone D, which allows freestanding monument signs, but no freestanding pole signs. The applicant is requesting that Sign Zone E, which allows pole signs, be extended to include 1480 S Sandhill Road and a portion of the 1550 S Sandhill Road property. The Planning Commission recommended approval.
  • Public Hearing/Resolution – Amending portions of Chapter 4 (Housing) of the Orem General Plan including updating Section 4.1 Population Demographics, Section 4.2 Existing Conditions, and enacting Section 4.4.2 pertaining to Moderate Income Housing Strategies
    • The Utah State Legislature recently added new requirements for cities to include their moderate-income housing plans as well as implementation elements as part of their General Plan. 
  • Resolution – Expressing intent to combine Orem Dispatch Services with Provo Dispatch Services
    • The Utah State Tax Commission, which regulates the funding of dispatch centers through the E911 tax, has expressed the desire to legislate fewer dispatch centers in Utah County. Combining allows Provo and Orem to control their future dispatch, will decrease the number of calls transferred from one dispatch center to another, and will increase the level of service to our citizens by decreasing the time it takes first responders to arrive at an incident.  Combining into one metro dispatch center in Utah County will increase our dispatch resources and decrease the overtime hours our dispatchers are currently working to staff our dispatch center. 
  • Resolution – A resolution regarding ballot proposition 1
    • Resolutions are generally an expression of opinion or policy by the legislative body.

Here are the parts of the agenda that generally stay the same:

  • Work session – a less formal venue for presentations, updates, and policy discussions among Council Members 
  • Informal break to eat dinner
  • Agenda review and preview of upcoming agenda items – The Mayor leads the City Council through a review of the items on that evening’s agenda.
  • City Council Reports – This is an opportunity for members of the City Council to share information from boards and commissions and raise any issues of concern. The report is assigned to a different Councilmember at each meeting.
  • Personal Appearances – Also known as “Public Comment,” this is the time set aside for the public to express their ideas, concerns, and comments on items not scheduled as public hearings on the current agenda. Comments should focus on issues concerning the city. Those wishing to speak will need to have signed in prior to the beginning of the meeting. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. When there are a large number of people wishing to speak, additional guidelines may apply.
  • Consent Items – Items that are routine and don’t require additional discussion are placed on the consent agenda. Councilmembers will vote on these items together, instead of separately.
  • Scheduled Items – Items the Council may wish to discuss, are open for public comment, or include a presentation.
  • Communication Items – These are items received by the Mayor, Councilmembers, or City Manager which are intended for the entire Council. Action or discussion is optional.
  • City Manager Information Items This is an opportunity for the City Manager to provide information to the City Council. No action is required.

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