The City of Orem recognizes that social media has changed the way that people communicate with each other and that the use of social media can enhance communication between City government and citizens, particularly citizens that do not access traditional media. The City encourages the use of social media to further the mission of the City and its departments where appropriate.
POLICY City Sponsored Social Media City of Orem departments may utilize social media and social network sites to enhance communications with citizens and program participants subject to the following rules and guidelines:
1. All City of Orem social media sites shall be approved by the City Manager. The Director of each department or the Director’s designee shall be responsible for the content and upkeep of each social media site maintained by that department.
2. City of Orem social media sites shall generally be used for (1) marketing/promotional channels which increase the City’s ability to broadcast its messages to the widest possible audience, (2) public information updates, and (3) the dissemination of time-sensitive information as quickly as possible (example: emergency information).
3. Content posted to City of Orem social media sites shall also be made available on the City’s main website whenever possible. Content posted to City social media sites should contain links directing users back to the City’s official website for in-depth information, forms, documents or online services necessary to conduct business with the City of Orem.
4. Employees representing the City via social media outlets must conduct themselves at all times as a representative of the City and in accordance with all appropriate City of Orem policies and standards, including but not limited to the Employee Handbook. Employees found in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
5. City social media sites shall be used only for communication of City-related information in accordance with the City’s mission and shall not be used for personal purposes.
6. City social media sites shall comply with federal, state and local laws, regulations and administrative rules.
7. City social media sites are subject to State of Utah public records laws. The department maintaining the site is responsible for responding completely and accurately to any public records request for public records on social media sites. If the information requested is available on the social media site, referral of the requester to the site will generally constitute compliance with the request. Content related to City business shall be maintained in an accessible format and so that it can be produced in response to a request. Wherever possible, such sites shall clearly indicate that any articles and any other content posted or submitted for posting are subject to public disclosure. Users shall be notified that public disclosure requests must be directed to the appropriate departmental records representative.
8. Utah state law and relevant City of Orem records retention schedules apply to social media formats and social media content. Unless otherwise addressed in a specific social media standards document, the department maintaining a site shall preserve records required to be maintained pursuant to a relevant records retention schedule for the required 49 retention period on a City server in a format that preserves the integrity of the original record and is easily accessible. Appropriate retention formats for specific social media tools shall be determined by the City Recorder’s Office.
9. Users and visitors to social media sites shall be notified that the intended purpose of the site is to serve as a mechanism for communication between City departments and members of the public. City of Orem social media site articles and comments containing any of the following forms of content shall not be allowed: a. Comments in support of or opposition to political campaigns or ballot measures; b. Comments soliciting signatures to a petition or that include a link to a petition; c. Profane language or content; d. Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation; e. Sexual content or links to sexual content; f. Solicitations of commerce; g. Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity; h. Information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems; i. Content that violates a legal ownership interest of any other party; or j. Comments not topically related to the particular social medium article being commented upon, including random or unintelligible comments; k. Comments containing links or tags to websites or web addresses, but not including tags to individuals
10. The guidelines described above should be displayed to users or made available by hyperlink. A copy of any content removed based on these guidelines must be retained, including the time, date and identity of the poster when available.
11. The City reserves the right to restrict or remove any content that is deemed to be in violation of this social media policy or any applicable law.
12. The social media tools that are currently approved for use by the City of Orem are Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and City-sponsored blogs. If any City department desires to use any other social media tool, such use must be approved by the City Manager.
13. All content created or posted on a City social media site as well as all City profile and home pages shall belong to the City.