The Volunteers In Police Service (V.I.P.S), is a group of citizens dedicated to extraordinary community service and public education through the Orem Police Department. They provide an adequately staffed, highly trained and motivated force of volunteer civilians, performing non-hazardous police services to the citizens in Orem. Their efforts contributed to a better quality of life and a safer, more secure, community.Volunteers can work anytime of the night or day and work assigned shifts to help maximize the department’s resources.Some of the things that VIPS help out with:

  • Assist Stranded Motorists
  • Unlocking Car Doors
  • Directing Traffic at Fire and Accident Scenes
  • Neighborhood Patrols
  • Assisting With Lost or Missing Children
  • Crossing Guard Duty
  • Enforcing Sign Ordinance As Directed
  • Placement of the Radar Trailers on the Streets
  • Vacation Checks
  • Picking Up Found Property
  • Assisting Officers in the Jail
  • Handling Minor Animal Control Calls
  • Minor Investigations Etc.

Donations: Since the V.I.P.S. program is self-supported, donations of any kind to help with the function of the program are greatly appreciated. If you are interested in helping to support our program, through financial contributions or the donation of goods or services, please contact Lt. Karalee Johnson at (801) 229-7268 or visit the Orem Public Safety Building. 95 E. Center St. Orem, UT 84057 You may also contact the administrative Lieutenant at

Apply: Send an email to