(1) Register your Business
Name: Start by registering your business name with the State of Utah.
This can be done at their web site: osbr.utah.gov
(2) Health Certificate: If the nature
of your business is any of the following, you will need to contact the Utah
County Health Department to complete all of their requirements.
- Any business that
serves and/or makes food or handles unpackaged foods in any way - Pools or spas that
will have public access - Tattooing or piercing
establishments - Tanning beds open to
the public - Underground storage of
gas for public access - Used oil collection
You must complete this step before an Orem
City business license can be issued. The Health Department can be
reached at 151 South University Avenue, Provo, 801-851-7000 or www.UtahCountyHealth.org.
(3) Fill out an Application: If your business will be in your home, complete the “Home Occupation Business License Online Application”. If your business will have an office or commercial location, complete the “Commercial Business License Online Application.”
(4) Verification of Applicant: we require a
photocopy of the owner’s current driver’s license or another current photo ID
if you do not have a driver’s license.
(5) Other Requirements: Specific types of business may have additional requirements. Call 801-229-7000 for details.